Improving your MBA statement of purpose — 12 steps at a time

GMAT Jakarta


The following tips for your MBA personal statement are based mostly on the experience of Strata-G’s professional editors, not formal research. They are merely a starting point, since the topic of good writing doesn’t really ever finish.

Also, please keep in mind that some schools provide detailed descriptions of the function of the personal statement(s) within their recruiting/admissions process. Some also provide great online writing resources for personal statements. They will happily trash yours because you failed to read the instructions. On the other hand some schools leave it all up to to you.  Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference.

1.       Realize what the PS is – it’s an ad – and approach it creatively

2.       Quit your job — ah, so much more time to focus on the personal statement (PS)

3.       Read a few real (not “sample”) statements that pertain to your target field/ program (check the Internet donk).  Identity the standard PS themes/mechanisms such (a) opening anecdote (story) b) strategies for succinctly summarizing an entire academic or professional career in a few words c) how to conclude.

4.       Don’t read too many statements. It won’t help and it can hurt. Put the best examples aside and have another glance at them when you’re two or three rough drafts down the road.

5.       Start with roughly 200% word-length and then cut the PS in half. This way you keep the best parts.

6.       Spend plenty of time looking at the website, including alumni publications, of your target programs. Frankly, this is the beginning of the acculturation process. It will take some time to truly fit in. It’s beyond dreaminess. Imagine yourself being there and eventually you will be.

7.       Meanwhile, what does the admissions committee at your target school dream of? The same thing – they hope that you’ll fit in, excel, and support their programs after you graduate. They want to know that you’re a team player.

8.       Aim for the right balance between professional jargon/buzzwords and normal language. In general, the tone of a personal statement is not formal.

9.       Shoot for an effective balance between who you are and who you want to be.

10.   Don’t ignore the cultural context of the reader. The same level of politeness that may be 100% OK in an Asian context (halus gan) may sound obsequious (tapi kelewat) in the context of university admissions overseas.

11.   Be aware that many Western students will emphasize “overcoming hardship” in their personal statements. Tapi . . . at the same time, there aren’t a lot of good reasons to spotlight “privilege” either. Do you agree?

12.   Emphasize Indonesia (or something else that’s unique or interesting).


Kenapa dua test (contoh TOEFL + GMAT) ?

Connecting San Francisco with the East Bay



Semua tergantung strata dan program kita memilih. Jika kita berencana ke luar negeri untuk S2, mungkin kita akan menghadapi situasiny seperti ini berkaitan dng TOEFL/ IELTS:  itu harus tapi tidak cukup.

Berarti, kita harus ambil TOEFL atau IELTS agar sekolah target percaya ketrampilan kita dalam minimal satu bahasa internasional.  Tetapi sekolah luar negeri  yg kompetetif — yaitu tiap tahun aplikasi yg diterima jauh lebih banyak daripada lowonganya — akan minta lebih dari itu. Daftar persyaratan2 di top school mudah-mudahan agak panjang:

  • CV / Resume
  • Statement of Purpose /Motivational Letter
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Online application forms
  • Immigration forms

Barang kali Anda pernah dengar orang bicara seperti ini yrmhtemanya: “Wah, teman FB aku habis diterimah di program MBA di Stanford . Pasti IQ-nya tinggi.” Faktanya, kecerdasan manusia rumit diukur. (“IQ” hanya nama ujian tertulis jaman duluh kan?). Yang jelas, sih teman miliki skor GMAT cukup tinggi (di atas 700 juga).

GMAT sama GRE — Apa bedanya?

Saya mendengar GRE dan GMAT akan mengalami perubahan besar?

That’s correct — because they are competing for the same b-school market. The expected result is that the similarities between the tests will increase.

Expected GRE changes (by around Aug 2011):


  • No more analogies and antonyms
  • More emphasis on reading and reasoning


  • More data interpretation and problem solving/case study
  • Onscreen calculator

All Sections:

  • Questions with multiple correct answers
  • More analysis, less synthesis

Expected GMAT changes:

  • Time frame : Expected by June 2012
  • New section:  “Integrated reasoning” uses charts, graphs, and spreadsheets to test problem solving skills
  • Other: Headphones to test “auditory learning style”
  • AWA: Only one question (issue or argument)

Pada dasarnya, apa bedanya  GRE & GMAT ?

•    Harga (GRE cuma USD 165)
•    Kalau GMAT, soal quantitative (matematika) lebih rumit
•    Kalau GRE soal kosakata lebih rumit

Tetapi persaingan GRE / GMAT hebat saat ini; menjadi susah dijawab.

Saya lebih baik ikut tes yang mana dan kapan saja?

If you’re good at math, take the GMAT before it changes. If you’re better at English, then take the GRE before it changes.

Aspek apa dari tes2 ini yang tetap sama?

Heavy emphasis on logical reasoning (how to put together and take apart an argument)