Six functions of the CV/ resume within the graduate admissions process
Clients sometimes ask, why can’t I use the same CV to the admission committee that I use when I’m seeking work. Of course, we don’t advise that. When you think about it, the reason it’s not a good idea is because, as a graduate admissions candidate, you’re interested in joining the ranks of a diverse, prestigious graduate school in places like the US, UK, Holland and Australia — not looking for a job in Indonesia.
Here are six ways the CV/resume functions within the admissions process:
1. Footnotes. As discussed in the post about 9 steps toward grad study overseas, your CV and personal statement (PS) complement each other. You could say that your CV functions as footnotes for your PS. You aim for a certain “echo” effect by strategically repeating certain themes.
2. Evidentiary. A CV serves to prove statements the candidate makes about herself as part of the admission application process. Don’t lose 10 points worth of credibility to gain 5 points of embellishment value.
3. Branding. What brands are on your CV? Everyone would like to have some household names UN, Royal Dutch Shell, Schlumberger, Indonesian Ministry of Finance, Bank Indonesia, PT Telkom. Maybe it’s not too late. Who’s on your Facebook? Send out an SOS.
4. Fit. Admission committees will try to determine, based on the CV’s and other documents you submit, whether you’ll be a good fit for the 2010 or 2011 entering class. You may be familiar with the social networking application LinkedIn. How easy would it be to create a LinkeIn profile if there were no drop-down menu? Pretty tough, because you’d have to know the official name for everything and everyone you wanted to link to. You would have to come up with your own words to describe your background, identity, relationships and experiences. And that’s exactly how you begin you CV — with a white sheet of paper. Of course, if you get in right – bingo – you’re linked up with everybody that matters to you.
5. Travel log. Let’s take the USA for example. Many Americans only recently heard of Indonesia. (Funny, but true.) Your CV is an opportunity to demonstrate your cross-cultural fluency. Don’t say “faculty” if you mean “department.” These aren’t the same in the US. Also, no need to mention how you won th respect of your “seniors” as well as your “juniors.” It just doesn’t translate cross-culturally.
6. Flexibility. Knowing how to use a CV in the applications makes you more versatile. Let’s say you discover you must substantially alter your entire admissions strategy, eg, different degree, different program, different test, etc. Your CV/resume won’t mind at all. The vain little beast may even enjoy all the blood, sweat and tears you put into the makeover exercise. You’ll come out with a CV that shows the “other you” by adding new experiences and interests to the CV, realigning the existing ones with your target program.
Great advice–the CV is a powerful tool if you know how to use it.